Thursday, June 26, 2008

Suck! I got robbed!

I spent 78 dollars for my graduation gown. 78 bucks man! That's like... that's like 15 meals at Sakkio! Enough to feed starving children in Africa and everything.

OK, it's not that i am complaining but the price of the little stripes is so expensive (32$) and it is just a stupid yellow strip of stupid material, I mean it's not even worth more than 4 dollars if I asked someone to make it. My 8 year-old cousin could make it, easily.
Yeah, I don't understand why it is so expensive, and WHY WHY we have to spend OUR personal money to buy this stuff - shouldn't the school give them for free, after we spend 4 years tuition and 2 years of master program graduate-tuition. Besides, I have never even used those useless Stingers (maybe one or twice) and never ever used any health facilities ... damn, they should have made exceptions ... especially for graduating seniors. Just as a gift for graduation! Stingy ridiculous people - why everything has to be paid by students?!!
I got robbed. After staying up all night for two years studying crap, I have to pay another 78 bucks to graduate in a funny costume? What &#^#%... you know what? nevermind. I am just feeling cheapo today
December 10, 2005