Monday, June 29, 2009

How the Kleenex Corporation Plans to Survive the Current Economic Meltdown

The present business climate has been harsh on all of us, including our friends out in the corporate world. While the Band-Aid company is negotiating deals with paper manufacturers to make extra-sharp edges on all paper made in the USA, for extra-deep and extra-frequent papercuts, the Kleenex marketing strategists have come up with a wholly different idea, and it's by far the crueler of the two. The latest marketing strategy goes like this:

STEP 1 -- make a movie made up entirely of heart-wrenchingly depressing scenes
STEP 2 -- call it "My Sister's Keeper" *
STEP 3 -- Get lots of people to see it
STEP 4 -- Each person needs at least 7 boxes of Kleenex to survive the film
STEP 5 -- $ !!! roll in the sweet moolah :^D :^) :^]

Happy day for the Kleenex people! Oh yeah, there's a step 6:

STEP 6 -- Take a bonus check, sit back with a cigar, and fire some interns while watching golf.

*Loosely based** on some old paperback novel which the marketing department couldn't even get through reading, due to all the papercuts inflicted by the 4th edition.

**I say loosely here, because if you've managed to read through the non-papercut edition and then have also managed to survive the movie (there is no non-Kleenex edition of that, unfortunately for America and the world and civilization), then you'll have certainly noticed that the ending of the movie has been COMPLETELY MADE UP.

This blog entry contributed by Russian after being forced to watch 2 girly films in one day (The Sister's Keeper and The Proposal - which turned out to be pretty good).