We stopped by at our normal time after work, and we actually ran into the people who installed our windows. We didn't want to interrupt them, since they were cleaning up & trying to go home as well, so we waited until they finished with their work (not that long, only 10 minutes) and then took our usual tour of the home:
It seems they've completed some of our back windows, but the basement door and window have not been installed yet:
It's so nice to have windows in the kitchen & dining rooms now:
But they are really careful, they moved both the new door and window inside the basement. They bought the water heater and water softener for our home. See the left corner (2 big boxes), not yet installed or unpacked:
There are some wires for heater (made from steel) to the basement room, seem to be made of thick copper:
More than half of the stuff that was piled up in the garage yesterday is now gone:
Turns out, the boxes were the bathroom supplies - as you can see we now have a master tub and second floor main tub:
Ok let's see it closer:
It already has a texture sort of like tile, but made of the same material as the tub itself.
They also drilled holes from the main floor to basement - I hope they will do something with these:
They added pipes for our laundry room:
All around, they did many things today - plumbing and windowing mainly.
Milestone#4 "Frame complete (frame, windows and roof) " COMPLETED!
High-five!!! Yeah! Awesome.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Home Construction (Day 25 - August 18)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Home Construction (Day 24 - August 17)
Note: the usual photographer is back, so the picture quality gets better now. Thanks a lot, Russian, for filling in while I was gone!
They completed our roof finally, and carried away all the extra equipment lying around up there:
It looks pretty now - it has a hat to cover itself from the rain:
They also covered our side windows with the obnoxious blue paper. Oh well:
The look from the main door - our 2-level foyer and the stairs going up to the second floor:
There are no big changes in the basement today, other than the fact that it's more sunny than last time:But they've started painting the locations of all the doors and sink fixtures, etc.:
See their drawings on our master bedroom floor:
We have a bunch of stuff again inside our garage (plumbing / electrical / HVAC* related)
We also discovered that we have windows now (we mean the supplies for the windows), which haven't been installed yet though:
We'll see what happens tomorrow...
*HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Yeah, we speak the construction lingo now**.
**No, no actually we don't... : (
Home Construction (Day 23 - August 14)
YESSSS they added shingles today for our roof - our roof is no longer boards. As you can see, the roof looks darker than before:
They are not finished yet - they'll have to come back again on Monday and patch things up:
Here is the view of our foyer, with the tall ceiling and many windows:
The back of the home is complete, and the top of the home has cute chimneys already. Although the home was already covered yesterday, here is a view of the back of the home and the garage in blue, too:
The view from our front guest bedroom window on the 2nd floor - you can see our porch roof (left bottom side with the equipment left over), and two of the neighboring houses:
Also, the sandy driveway which still hasn't been paved or landscaped of course...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Home Construction (Day 22 - August 13)
We have a spot for the porch now -- they added a small roof in the front where our porch will be someday (check back tomorrow... heh) and they finally installed the front door now - our first door! Our home is entirely blue now on all sides - they covered the whole thing with blue insulation paper with their logo all over it, in case anyone was confused about which builder built the entire neighborhood:
The porch ceiling looks interesting - a bit different from the one inside the home:
No other progress inside the home, other than the fact that we have a porch now : )
We also have another door installed -- for the garage:We've tested both doors and they are working. No door knobs yet, though.
Check out our second floor - cleaner than before - no more additional frame to support the walls
We could still "walk through walls" between the rooms though. That won't last long, so we enjoy being ghostly like that, while we still can. Pretty soon when a certain Russian tries to walk through the walls he will smack his nose very hard against them. (He'll still try it, of course.)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Home Construction (Day 21 - August 12)
Guys, now the Russian becomes the photographer for a few days, while the usual photographer is away on an important Business Trip. That is why the photos are crappier for the next several blog posts. Guys, don't stop reading the blog just because the photos are not as good. She'll be back, OK?
So. Do you see any differences from yesterday?
I'll tell you the answer, in case you are confused: they actually added ledges & ornaments to decorate our roof. You can totally see the new platforms:
They finished the garage roof, too. You can see it here on the right side of the photo:
No more light from the top of the garage ceiling since it has been sealed by a roof:
They also started framing our fireplace, and left a chunk of insulation there for several days after this photo:
Our vaulted ceiling has some panels now:
They framed our master bathroom - here is the space for our bathtub
They also added cement to our basement - no more beach sand on the floor:
They placed pipes for the additional bathroom in the future:
Very dark in there, since it was a bit cloudy that day... and because the replacement photographer has no idea how to adjust the camera for light/dark conditions. Sigh.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Home Construction (Day 19 - August 10)
From the back of the home:
Just framing around the roof, so we still have many holes here and there
Our foyer:
Some of our roof (near the bedrooms) have boards for support
Inside the garage
Our electrical meters on the left-side of the home
I was busy taking pictures and the Russian just stared outside the master bedroom's window
Aaaaahh he was watching the ducks
It was time to leave now - we will stop by again tomorrow
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Home Construction (Day 18 - August 7)
I felt bad for not visiting our home yesterday - so I decided to stop by before going to work.
Turned out they started working at 7 AM and I didn't want to disturb them - so I took a few pictures of the changes happening yesterday.
The roof for the garage is done - I didn't see many changes there:
From the back: Not much different from last time - walls and roof for the garage:
We went back again on Saturday morning and there were no changes except that they had prepared some materials for our roof (the real roof) we are excited to see our roof on Monday next week (they always make a huge progress on Mondays).
This was forgivable, because it was raining pretty much the entire day on Friday. So they probably couldn't do much work on the house itself, as everything was really slippery and flooded with puddles of rain water.