Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Home Construction (Day 55 - September 30)

We didn't visit Uchi AGAIN -- yup we are officially bad house-parents now.

But today it was raining, so we didn't think they would do any work. After work, we were in a hurry to meet our camping group, who would go with us this weekend to camp in the Boundary Waters between MN and Canada. We had to plan the places & times for meeting with them on Friday and driving up to the campsite, so that we could all car-pool together and fit all our gear into a big truck.

We also need to figure out who had all their camping stuff, and who was still missing some gear -- so that we could borrow from each other. Bad news:  Russian doesn't have a rain jacket for this trip. We knew for sure that it would be raining this weekend.

So, after the meeting at Perkins (kind of like IHOP), Russian and I decided to shop at REI to check their sale items. After that it was too dark to visit Uchi!  : (

This is our long long story/excuse for not visiting Uchi today.

Sorry Uchi.

But at least we all have rain jackets now and we know that

MILESTONE#7 Cabinets and interior woodwork installed