Thursday, October 15, 2009

Home Construction (Day 63 - October 12)

Over the weekend, we had our first snow .... it was quite weird - the leaves have not change into fall color yet and the grass was still green

Then on Monday morning, we got even more snow .....

Ok now about Uchi, we didn't visit him today : (   But we had the best excuse ever.

Our good friend was not feeling well all day, so we decided to go with him to the hospital (same one Russian visited last year). He had stomach pain all day and though it was from food poisoning but boy was he wrong.

After 5 hours of waiting, 1 episode of Dancing with The Stars and couple of tests and 1 CT scan and 1 bag of fluid and 2 nurses and 1 room change and 19 millions personal questions which were mostly repeated by different people, 6-7 different forms to fill out and 2 glass of radio-active fluid, it finally turned out that he needed emergency appendectomy.  His appendix was swollen and infected, and his white blood cell count was elevated.  He was already fighting the infection...

The nice surgeon gave him a whopping TEN minutes to think about his life, call his mother in Florida, sign some consent forms, etc., and then he was wheeled off to surgery just like that!

We had been there since 6pm.  He was taken into surgery at midnight.  At around 1am he was woken up, and wheeled upstairs to the recovery ward.  We followed him, along with his older sister, saw him to his room.  He said two words and then passed out completely.  The poor guy hadn't eaten since lunch time, and was all drugged up and tired.

At 2am we left for home.  It was a looooong day.

So we hope that you (and Uchi) will forgive us about missing today's home-construction update.