Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Home Construction (Day 37 - September 3)

Hey everyone -- so, today you get to see what Uchi looks like with actual walls, instead of just the wood frame!  Ready?  Well, we promised last time, and here's the proof:

That's what's going on in the garage these days...   as you can see, it's not quite finished yet.  But, it's the only section of the house that wasn't finished on that day.  The rest was all drywalled-up and looking good, just a bit messy.

And the foyer?  See if you recognize it:


You remember the saying "with great power comes great responsibility?"  Evidently, there should be another saying:  "with great walls comes a great mess!"

Yes, that is our kitchen, if you can imagine it. It's like poor Uchi is ready for demolition or something.

That, friends, is what our living room looks like, and:

I'm kind of scared to even show you guys the upstairs...

If it's the end of the world, this is probably what our house will look like.  
 The basement hasn't changed much, but they brought the walls down the stairs so that it looks like a tunnel now.  Then there's this mysterious extra piece of drywall laying there, which I guess they are saving in case they run out, or we steal one or something... you'll have to wait for the next post to find out where that one will end up!

Finally, we wanted to show you guys the thickness of the walls.  Jeremy, our field manager claims it's 5 inches wide.  But a much much better & more precise measurement is that:  it's exactly 8 my-size-thumbnails wide.  We're going to ask him to start ordering parts using that measurement from now on.