I have a confession: Sometimes when I'm bored and I don't feel like reading manga, buying houses, slaving my hubby, or dreaming about what kind of dogs I should adopt, I uh... well, I dress up little children in big, cute, fuzzy costumes!!! I love it! A coulple of years ago I sent a "Tigger" costume to my sister overseas, to dress up my little nephew, and got back a series of hilarious photos. Well this year, it was my hubby's baby nephew's turn! And instead of Tigger, this time it was Winnie the Pooh himself.
We sent the costume to Atlanta and waited patiently for the results, but had no idea what was in store for us... remember how my hubby's Babushka is into photography? Well check THIS out:
Winnie the Pooh finds himself at home with his trusty spoon and his #1 target:
The Jar of Honey.
He checks the spoon carefully for flaws.
Hey? What are you lookin' at? The way I eat is my own business!
I swear I found this jar of honey on the ground. I didn't take it from any bees!
I promise!
Seriously? You're still following me? Grr, I'm kind of angry when I think about papparazzi.
Let's get to business though.... mmmm, looks GOOD.
AH, I can't handle it anymore. WOW, look at my belly. Good times.
Time for a lovely nap. Kind of spacing out here... lovely beeeees fluttering around,
just had a big jar of honey... gonna drift off soon...
happy happy... honey... jar... spoooOoooOoonnn.... yawn
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