Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Construction (Day 34 - August 31)

Now we know what they did on Friday (Aug 28) - they sealed the interior of our walls with plastic:

They even completed foam insulation of all the cracks between all the walls of the entire Uchi

The insulation for our foyer:

Insulation for our ceiling:

View from the 2nd bedroom:

And even the basement:

Kind of fun -- we can bounce off the walls like crazy people, for a while, anyway. We also noticed it was much much warmer in the house, now that the insulation was present.

The basement was all shiny and aluminum-foiled, did you see? And that's basically how it's going to look, from now on, since we don't plan on finishing it yet. Quite a surprise/shock since we didn't know that this was how an unfinished basement looks like. I thought they would at least add walls or the ceiling. Oh well!