Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dirt Devil KURV

I hate cleaning our apartment and always try to find the best way to sweep all the dust around the furniture and my manga collection. Wish I had a magic spell to make the dust disappear instantly... hmm.

So a couple days ago I read an article/blog regarding the "Dirt Devil KURV" and from the article, the author was pretty satisfied with this small vacuum. The author also mentioned how fast this vacuum helps cleaning the dust around the house - so on Monday morning I decided to buy it from Amazon and today we received it (Waooo really fast delivery - I used free delivery which usually takes 5 -10 business days, but it took only 2).

I tried it and this vacuum sucks so far (in the bad way, not the good way). It does not really work - too small and it could not suck very much dust and scratched my furniture. I will give it a chance again this weekend - its last chance before I will return it to Amazon.

Do any of you have a good way/method to clean the dust other than using a sweeper/cloth????? ANY easy and fast way??? [Heh, "get the Russian slave boy to do it" is not the right answer.]


Ernita said...

Try the irobot roomba, you can get the one with scheduler to always clean even when you are not there. But you have to remove clutters and SOFT carpet/mat (it'll get stuck) from the floor, so not very convenient if you have a lot of those. But seems to be pretty smart, but a little loud around hardwood. It works on both hardwood and carpet.