Monday, February 2, 2009

New baby

I got a new baby last month - I have not decided on the gender yet but I am pretty sure it is a she. We have not decided on the name yet also - most likely we call her "Big Canon".

Yes, I spoiled myself again by getting a new camera last month. I did this almost every year, I will try to reward myself for working all year by getting something from my wish list (items that cost more than 500 bucks).

I am a bit stingy when coming to buy an expensive gadget - usually I wait until my hubby gets it for me (after I gave him sooooo many hints). But this time I could not hold back to get a new DSLR camera - really want to take more pictures and learn more about photography.

I had been gone forward backward regarding which camera to get either: XSI, 40D and 50 D. The reasons I chose XSI:
1. cheaper so I can spend more money on lens.
2. Lighter than 40D and 50D.

THe only drawback is that the 40D has a shutter speed that is twice as fast. But I'm thinking that's OK because I don't need to take so many high-speed photos. We'll see if I was right about that.

Welcome to our new baby!!!!!